DUB TRIO KIT Music Inspire DubstepAlbum69 Tracks00:462024 DUB TRIO KIT Play410 6 Loops/One Shot One Shot 67Loops 2Instruments Synth 3Piano 6Vocal 1strings 23Guitar 49Ambient 3classical 37slow 26violin 2techno 25drums 24fast 1beat 14beats 1electronic 18indian 1rock 25loud 16quiet 12opera 6female 2harpsichord 3flute 2cello 1weird 2male vocal 1no vocal 1Genres Dubstep 69Keys C# 11F 14Bb 4B 6D 3G 4E 4Eb 6A 8Ab 1Chords A 1Am 3Bm 3G 2F#m 5C# 5B 2F 4Gm 1C#m 1E 1Eb 1Em 2Abm 1Bbm 1Ebm 2BPM Random A-Z Z-A G Clear all4 resultsCoverFile nameWaveformInstrumentsBPMKeyChord Play DUB TRIO DUBSTEP SOUND (6) Music Inspire One Shot electronicfemaleGuitarslowstrings 104 G G Play DUB TRIO DUBSTEP CLAP (1) Music Inspire One Shot classicalGuitarloudrockstrings 104 G -- Play DUB TRIO DUBSTEP CYMBOLS (4) Music Inspire One Shot classicalGuitarharpsichordoperastrings 98 G G Play DUB TRIO DUBSTEP KICK (11) Music Inspire One Shot beatelectronicGuitarslowtechno 107 G -- Subscribe to view all soundsMore from Music Inspire Play Sound_Effect_synth texture 026.wav Music Inspire Play ProgK1Bass138G 05 Music Inspire Play 02b(140BPM) Music Inspire Play RDM Copicat SY1 140 02.wav Music Inspire Play Sound_Effect_impact 024.wav Music Inspire Play A103BPM10 Music Inspire Play C110BPM23 Music Inspire Play ProgK1Bass138G 01 Music Inspire Play ProgK1GuitarA138G 05 Music Inspire Play RDM Raw MT40 ClHat.wav Music Inspire Play RDM Copicat SR88 140 01.wav Music Inspire Play RDM TapeB SY1 Tom02.wav Music Inspire Similar Play DUB TRIO DUBSTEP CYMBOLS (4) Music Inspire Play DUB TRIO DUBSTEP CLAP (1) Music Inspire Play Effect Downlifter 01_fx.wav Dubbin Samples Play BASSLINES AND LAZERS (collective) 2_dubbin.wav Dubbin Samples Play DUB TRIO DUBSTEP KICK (11) Music Inspire Play Claps 09_drum.wav Dubbin Samples Play Open Hit Hat 25_cymbal.wav Dubbin Samples Play FX 4_dubbin.wav Dubbin Samples Play Claps 08_drum.wav Dubbin Samples Play Kick9_Dubbin.wav Dubbin Samples Play Bassdrums 27_bass.wav Dubbin Samples Play Closed Hit Hat 16_cymbal.wav Dubbin Samples
Play DUB TRIO DUBSTEP CYMBOLS (4) Music Inspire One Shot classicalGuitarharpsichordoperastrings 98 G G